
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Advocacy Project: Fact Sheet

Facts on Water Quality in the United States
Presented by Hannah Koepke

Who is affected by water quality?
Everyone. The Clean Water Act promotes this idea of healthy water quality levels in the United States. If this bill had not been enacted, we would be drinking contaminated water, not be able to safely swim in some of our waters, and even have to be careful of the fish we catch in our waters, especially near areas of factory run off.
What is the economics of this issue?
Companies have to pay more to have clean and regulated run-off, but we cannot afford to spend trillions on cleaning up our water sources. Our drinking water is at stake. Most shocking, bottled water does not have to meet the same regulations as public water, and privatized water cleaning companies do not even have to same high quality standards as public city water does.

What can you do?
You can keep up the Clean Water Act and keep our lands water sources clean and usable for generations to come. For more information, please visit the Environmental Protection Agencies informational page at


  1. Your fact sheet is brief and straight to the point which is great for busy legislators! Maybe include a few statistics as well to further emphasize your point!

  2. You have some very factual information in this post. Our water issue sounds intense! It might be a good idea to include some numbers. This can help to emphasize the point you are making

  3. I liked how you started every fact with a question. You kept is short and simple, just the way I like it.


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