
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Eye Opener Week 2

After doing the Eating Green calculator, I found out that I use 0.5 acres of grain and grass for animal feed, 0.2 pounds of pesticides to grow the feed, 18.6 pounds of fertilizer to grow animal feed, and that I 2854 pounds of manure created by the animals I eat. These numbers are only for 1 week of my diet, and I barely eat any meat; it is mostly eggs that upped this calculator. These numbers for the week added out to be 338 calories.

After clicking on the button to help improve my diet and environment, I chose to not reduce any of the servings I had previously entered. I chose this because I barely eat meat as it is, and I cannot reduce that number because I need to protein and nutrients that come from meat. I aso chose to not reduce my dairy intake because I am lactose intolerant and only have about a cup of milk a day with my cereal, so I cannot reduce this any more than it already is, and milk is a vital ingredient in many recipes. These two factors made me hesitant to take the pledge since there is really nothing I can do to help them, but I will definitely do my best.

To me, this all helped me realize that I never think where my food comes from other than the grocery store shelves. When I go home for the summer, I eat at least half my food from my garden, but living in an apartment in Duluth for the school year I do not have an opportunity to grow a garden. If there are any more farmers markets before the winter hits I will definitely purchase food from them, and do whatever I can to eat locally (within my budget range).



  1. You seem to have valid reasons for questioning taking the pledge. We all need to have a well balanced diet, so unless we choose to become vegetarians/vegans, we do need to get our protein from somewhere. There are farmers markets out in Kirby every Wednesday though, but I don't know if they will have any vegetables this late in the year.

  2. It seems like the calculator isn't the best way to judge if your diet is environmentally friendly. Everyone has their own needs (like you being lactose intolerant) and I don't think that the calculator is very accurate since everyone is so different. It's awesome that you eat food from your garden, I do that too!


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