
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 1: My SMART Goal

For my Environmental Health class, we are assigned to do an "Eco-Chich" lifestyle change. For this, we need to make one aspect of our lives more environmentally friendly for 10 weeks. My SMART goal for this project is...

     I will use a cloth napkin for 2 out of 3 meals I eat in daily in my home for the next 10 weeks.

I chose this goal because cloth napkins reduce waste by not throwing away and wasting muliple paper napkins daily. Cloth napkins are environmentally friendly and use one, wash it, and reuse it. I chose to use cloth napkins because my grandmother always uses them, and I have always like the idea. Many restaraunts (such as Olive Garden and Grizzlies) use them, too. To me, now seemed like the perfect time to start using them in my own home.



  1. This is a good lifestyle change! When Cole brought in her Eco-Chic snack, it made me want to choose cloth napkins too. Maybe I will start a collection of cloth napkins so I can change my napkin-using habit :)

  2. Good idea. Sounds like a simple way to make a big impact. I wonder how many napkins or paper towels I throw away in 10 weeks.

  3. This is a really good one! I use a ton of paper towels and it is such a waste....I should try and use cloth napkins more for sure! Good luck :)


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